Smarter Than Yesteday

Is it possible for your brain to hurt? Not your head, your brain. I literally spent eight whole hours at the library today studying for the board exam and I came out of there feeling like a zombie. I definitely feel a hundred times smarter today than yesterday. The thing that helped me last that long studying is the large non-fat sugar free iced vanilla latte I had bought this morning from McD’s. Starbucks got a little too expensive for me so I’m sticking with McD’s iced lattes til next week.

It was gloomy and rained pretty much all day today, so I was really stuck in the library. I took a break after every hour of studying and worked on a nice little banner for my blog. Btw, do you like the new blog name? I had to change it, again, because I didn’t realize there were a few blogs out there with the name Eat Play Love. I didn’t want to steal the name so I made up a new one. I think it suits me perfectly and with what I want to do with my blog. I also wanted to put a simple header together so that thing above is what I came up with. Nothing fancy but I like the simplicity and neatness of it.

I decided to close the books around 6:30 and was too tired to cook dinner by the time I got out of there. I was craving an Asian noodle dish, so the best friend and I ate dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant called Hu Dat. We shared an appetizer, Won Ton Soup and I ordered Pho Xao for the main course. I made two meals out of it and will be eating the rest for lunch tomorrow at the library.


It’s almost midnight and I had to force myself to close the books. I just can’t seem to get this test off my mind and it’s driving me crazy. It’s a really important test and I just can’t seem to get this picture of a failing result in my head. I’ve been studying hard and so I should have more confidence in myself right? I’ve got my family, close friends, and the teachers I had for the program believing in me but I just can’t seem to do the same thing. Believe in myself. It just seems so hard to do but I need to believe in myself in order to gain confidence and so I can do well on this test. It’s just a matter of letting go whatever it is that’s holding me back. I think it’s time to go and quiet my mind now.

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