“One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure”

How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was relaxing and took Saturday and part of Sunday off from studying. I spent the weekend at my best friend’s parents house and had a nice, relaxing time with them. Lots of food were also involved including yummy homemade breakfast and grilled bbq wings, grilled corn husks, and stuffed jalapeños wrapped in bacon for dinner. Unfortunately, I was unable to take pictures of these yummy eats but the stuffed jalapeños looked exactly like these.

They are extremely easy to make! All you need are three ingredients: jalapeños, cream cheese, and bacon. Use toothpicks to keep the bacon on the stuffed jalapeños but make sure to soak the toothpicks first so they won’t burn while they are in the pit. I probably ate like five or six of these and literally had to stop myself. They are addicting!

On my way home Sunday, I saw a garage sale at the corner of my apartment complex. I rarely stop at garage sales but I was curious to see what they’ve got. I’ve always believed in the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. I’ve been wanting a Belgian waffle maker for months but since I’m a poor college student, purchasing something more than $20 is a little too much for me. Well, I’m glad I stopped at the this garage sale ’cause I found myself a used belgian waffle maker! It was marked $10 but the guy sold it for $5 instead. Score!!!


So in about seven days, my life is going to change. I will be taking the Physical Therapist Assistant National Board Exam. I’ve been working my butt off, studying, and sacrificing fun nights with friends for the past month and a half for this test. I look forward to becoming a therapist, doing what I love, helping people, and starting a new life in a new city. I’m just hoping and praying that everything will fall into place at the right time. What about you? Got anything big coming up in your life?