The Waiting Game… A Test of Faith?

This was me pretty much every day for the past month and a half studying for the Physical Therapist Assistant National Board Exam, which I took yesterday along with my graduating class.

And now this is us. Playing the waiting game. Which is the worst game in the whole world. It’s going to take five business days for us to find out our exam results and two weeks to get our license. So for the past two months, I’ve been finding myself playing the waiting game and honestly, it’s a little frustrating. But I always find myself praying and asking God for peace because that’s the only way I can find real peace.

I think God works in a really funny way. I spoke to my mom this morning on the phone and I was telling her how worried I am and how I hate waiting. Then she said, “Sheila, you’ve prayed for God to help you study and give you peace while you take your exam. And He answered your prayers. Now you just need to trust Him, be patient, and have faith. Worrying only shows that you don’t trust God. This waiting game is a test of Faith. A chance for you to practice patience and build your character. So just have peace and be still.” My mom’s words of wisdom made me realize that God has been taking care of me. I’ve done everything I can to do well on the boards, I’ve taken the test, and all I need to do is stay still, let God do the rest, and enjoy this time off I have. I’ve been bombarded with school and studying for the past two years of my life when I started the PTA program. And now a new season in my life is about to start and God is preparing me for that. I just have to wait patiently, continue to trust Him, and allow Him to work in my life.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

-Philippians 4:6-7