Welcome back?

Hey guys! I guess this is a welcome back with a new blog name, again. What, this is like the 100th time I’ve changed the name to my blog? I like change. Don’t judge. So, I really want to get back to blogging. Lots has changed since the last time I blogged. A complete 180 in my life. I’ll save that topic for another post.

Oh, btw Happy Independence Day! I’m not doing anything special today. Actually, I take that back. I’ve been studying for the National Physical Therapist Assistant Board Exam for the past 1 1/2 month at the library and since it’s a holiday I will be spending majority of my day at Barnes & Noble. That means Starbuck’s Coffee and checking out cookbooks during my breaks. Yay me!

I should probably post some pictures on this post since I don’t want to bore you to death with my ramblings. Okay, who is ready to see some food?! Might as well, since that’s all I think and dream about anyway. And everything I do revolves around food. That means plenty of posts about food, yes!

I killed myself at the gym this morning so when I got home I prepared myself a wonderful, cold Green Monster. It’s exactly what I needed. To make this amazing smoothie I used:
-1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
-1/2 banana
-1 cup of spinach (yum!)
-1 tbsp. flax seeds
-1 scoop of 100% Gold Standard Whey Protein, vanilla flavor
-1 cup ice
All in the blender


Lunch time means leftovers for me today. Baked Cajun tilapia with imitation crab on top, black beans that I sautéed with tomatoes, roasted Brussels sprouts, and a cup of spring mix salad with 3 small scoops of leftover avocado I had in the fridge.


I’m still not sure about what I will be making for dinner tonight. I’ve been dying to try and make this Pad Thai recipe I found a few days ago on Pinterest. If not, I’ll probably end up baking some salmon. Yum! And yes, pictures will be provided along with the recipe on my next post.

I’ve really missed blogging and I hope I’ll stay for awhile this time. So yes, this is a WELCOME BACK for me. Wherever you are today, have a wonderful, safe, and fun 4th of July!